Pozdrav svima!
Evo još jedne wishlist- e u saradnji sa sajtom Gamiss. Ovaj sajt ima najpovoljnije stvari od svih sa kojim sarađujem, a uglavnom su to iste stvari kao i na ostalim ali baš jeftinije. Takođe, na ovom sajtu ima najveći izbor obuće, i to zaista jako lijepe. Tako da ako imate namjeru da naručujete nešto, ako vam se svidi na drugom sajtu, prvo provjerite da li imaju ovdje to isto, ali puno povoljnije. E, jedini problim jeste poštarina, koja je baš velika. Nadam se da će to riješiti.
Takođe, imam jedno malo iznenađenje za sve moje čitaoce. Ljudi sa sajta su bili divni i dali su mi ovaj kupon sa popustom 10% OFF za sve vas:
Gamiss Spring clothes 2018Promotion
Regards to all!
Here's another wishlist in cooperation with Gamiss. This site has the most favorable things to everyone with whom I cooperate, and these are mostly the same things as for the rest but much cheaper. Also, this site has the largest selection of footwear, and it's really very nice. So if you intend to order something, if you like it on another site, first check that they have the same here, but much more favorable. E, the only trouble is postage, which is very big. I hope it will solve this.
Also, I have a little surprise for all my readers. People from the site were wonderful and they gave me this discount coupon 10% OFF for all of you:
Gamiss Spring clothes 2018Promotion
Evo još jedne wishlist- e u saradnji sa sajtom Gamiss. Ovaj sajt ima najpovoljnije stvari od svih sa kojim sarađujem, a uglavnom su to iste stvari kao i na ostalim ali baš jeftinije. Takođe, na ovom sajtu ima najveći izbor obuće, i to zaista jako lijepe. Tako da ako imate namjeru da naručujete nešto, ako vam se svidi na drugom sajtu, prvo provjerite da li imaju ovdje to isto, ali puno povoljnije. E, jedini problim jeste poštarina, koja je baš velika. Nadam se da će to riješiti.
Takođe, imam jedno malo iznenađenje za sve moje čitaoce. Ljudi sa sajta su bili divni i dali su mi ovaj kupon sa popustom 10% OFF za sve vas:
Gamiss Spring clothes 2018Promotion
Regards to all!
Here's another wishlist in cooperation with Gamiss. This site has the most favorable things to everyone with whom I cooperate, and these are mostly the same things as for the rest but much cheaper. Also, this site has the largest selection of footwear, and it's really very nice. So if you intend to order something, if you like it on another site, first check that they have the same here, but much more favorable. E, the only trouble is postage, which is very big. I hope it will solve this.
Also, I have a little surprise for all my readers. People from the site were wonderful and they gave me this discount coupon 10% OFF for all of you:
Gamiss Spring clothes 2018Promotion