среда, 20. децембар 2017.

Santa's Stuck! Help!

Chrismas sale  Rosegal is always the best festival sale in Rosegal , but our dear Santa seems like he's not paying attention to his own weight this year and obviously stuck in the chimney! Help him through to get mysterious Rosegal gifts worth $50. 

How can I help Santa?

Easy, click on this link and push him down. You are able to push Santa once per day, you push twice if you shared this mini-game. 

What can I get from helping Santa?

 up to 15% and $7 Off coupon are wrapped and prepared. If you push Santa hard enough, you might receive a special bonus present. Mysterious Rosegal product bundle worth $50!

What about the Rosegal Chrismas Sale?

 Oh of course, how could we miss the sale? Especially a sale up to 70% Off!

Ladies and gents, 2017 is almost over. Rosegal will have brand factory new products coming up in 2018, so if you have any products that you wish to collect, this is probably your best and last opportunity. 70% Off and new deals every day(starts at Dec.14th).We are doing a cleanup right here right now! Fashion clothing and accessories from all category and for all seasons. Having some trouble with picking 2017 Chrismas present for your beloved one? No matter for male or female, Rosegal X-mas sale might as well solve your problem.

понедељак, 18. децембар 2017.

Millybridal UK - Dresses Of Your Dreams

Prom Dresses Millybridal

Dragi moji, pronašla sam za vas mjesto gdje možete pronaći haljine vaših snova.
Riječ je o sajtu  Millybridal UK  na kojem možete pronaći svečane haljine za sve prilike, od vjenčanica u raznoraznim stilovima, maturskih haljina i ostalih haljina za sve svečane prilike. Sigurna sam da u posebnim prilikama želite da zablistate, i da ostavite upečatljiv utisak. Mogu vam reći da mi je bilo teško da izdvojim favorite, i isto tako znam da će biti i vama teško jer je veliki izbor predivnih haljina. I bilo bi mi drago ako bi vam moj izbor bio od pomoći!
Ovaj sajt nudi prilično dobar kvalitet a povoljne cijene, kao i odličan dizajn haljina.
Pored haljina, na sajtu imaju i veliki izbor cipela za posebne prilike, koje naravno možete nositi i svakodneveno :).  Takođe, pored vjenčanica možete pronaći i sav aksesoar koji ide uz vjenčanice, velove, ogrtače, podvezice, ukrase za kosu, rukavice, šešire, klač torbice, pojaseve i ostalo.
Takođe, imaju i veliki izbor četkica za šminkanje.
Tako, drage moje, trk na Millybridal UK  i pronađite haljinu vaših snova, za priliku koja vam predstoji, bilo da je to vaše vjenčanje, vjenčanje neke vaše drage osobe, matura ili neka druga svečana prilika.
Nadam se da ćete upravo ovdje pronaći to što želite!

My dear, I have found a place for you to find the dresses of your dreams. Millybridal UK  is a website where you can find festive dresses for all occasions, wedding dresses in various styles, prom dresses and other dresses for all festive occasions. I'm sure that on special occasions you want to glitter, and leave a striking impression. I can tell you that it was difficult for me to separate my favorites, and I also know that it will be difficult for you because there is a great selection of beautiful dresses. And I would be glad if my choice would help!
This site offers pretty good quality and affordable prices, as well as excellent design of the dress.
In addition to the dress, the website also has a large selection of shoes for special occasions, which of course you can wear every day :). Also, besides wedding dresses you can find all the accessories that go with wedding dresses, velvets, dresses, garters, hairdresses, gloves, hats, claw bags, belts and the rest.
They also have a large selection of makeup brushes.
So, my dear, go HERE and find the dress of your dreams, for the occasion that is ahead of you, whether it's your wedding, the wedding of some of your dear person, the graduation or some other solemn occasion.
I hope you just find what you want here!

                                                                     Wedding dress

Ovu vjenčanicu bih odabrala za svoje vjenčanje. Upravo je onakva kakvom zamišljam, u tom boho stilu. Ahh, predivna je! Pogledajte, ima različitih stilova, za svčiji ukus. A ovo je upravo ono što ja želim.

I would choose this wedding dress for my wedding. It's just what I'm imagining, in that boho style. Ahh, it's beautiful! Look, it has different styles, for a taste of everything. And this is exactly what I want.

                                                           gold real leather stiletto heel pumps

Upravo ove predivne sandale bih nosila uz ovu vjenčanicu. Nježne, ma predivne!

I would just wear these beautiful sandals with this wedding dress. Wonderful!

                                             gold a line satin scoop neck long sleeves prom dress

Što se tiče haljina za maturu, uh, ne znam, takođe preteško, i na kraju izbor je pao na ovu preslatku haljinu zlatne boje. Tačnije, suknja i bluza, ali ok :).

As for the dress for prom, uh, I do not know too too hard, and in the end the choice fell on this adorable dress gold. More precisely, skirt and blouse, but ok :).

                                                                    a line lace dress

Ova koktel haljina je san snova, zar ne? Predivna je!

This cocktail dress is a dream, is not it? She's gorgeous!

                                                                    silver handbag

Ima odličan izbor klač torbica, za svečane prilike. Sa lancom i bez. Takođee, vidim da imaju i rančeve, pa ako vam treba, pogledajte.

It has an excellent selection of bags, for ceremonial occasions. With chain and without. Also, I see that they also have backpack, so if you need to, look.

Nadam se da vam se dopada moj izbor!

I hope you like my choice!

петак, 15. децембар 2017.

ZAFUL wishlist

Evo novog posta u saradnji sa sajtom Zaful .
Znate i sami da sam ostvarila više saradnji sa njima i da sam prezadovoljna. Iznenadićete se koliko imaju male cijene a kvalitet za te pare zadovoljavajući.
Ovog puta odlučila sam da tema ove wishliste bude doček Nove godine. U ovom postu ću vam pokazati predloge za najluđu noć. Na ovom sajtu ima odličan izbor, i sigurna sam da zadovoljava različite ukuse.
Sigurna sam i to da te noći želite da zablistate, i samim tim vam je potrebno nešto što ostavlja baš takav utisak. Nadam se da će vam se moji predlozi dopasti i jako bi me obradovalo ako bi barem jedan moj predlog bio nečiji izbor, ili u krajnjem slučaju bio nečija inspiracija.

Evo i predloga...

Here is a new post in collaboration with the site Zaful .
You know that I achieved more cooperation with them and I'm very happy. You will be surprised how much they have small prices and the quality for these vapors is satisfactory.
This time I decided that the theme of this wishliste would be the New Year's Eve. In this post, I will show you the suggestions for the crazier night. On this site has an excellent choice, and I'm sure it satisfies different tastes.
And I'm sure that that night you want to shine, and therefore you need something that leaves quite an impression. I hope you like my suggestions and I would be very pleased if at least one of my proposal was one's choice, or at the very least someone's been an inspiration.

Here's the suggestion ...

Dragi moji, na sajtu za vas imaju posebne ponude u susret predstojećim Božićnim praznicima, iskoristite povoljnosti i častite sebe ili vaše voljene!
Imaju igru na sreći, jelkicu sa poklonima, i kad kliknete na neki od poklona
možete dobiti poklon, kupone i besplatnu dostavu. Srećno!

                        2017 About Zaful Christmas Special Promotion

Takođe, sa sajta su bili jako ljubazni i imam za vas kupon za kupovinu na sajtu i to čak 10%-20% OFF , evo i kupona:


Dear friends, the website for you have a special offer to meet the upcoming Christmas holidays, make benefits and treat yourself or your loved ones!
They have a game of chance, a Christmas tree with gifts, and when you click on a giftyou can get a gift, coupons and free delivery. Good luck!

                           2017 About Zaful Christmas Special Promotion

Also, from the site they were very kind and I have a coupon for you to buy on the site, and even 10% -20% OFF, here are the coupons:


                                               velvet asymmetric dress

                                            long sleeve cut out bodycon dress

                                                     velvet maxi dress

                                                  velvet backless skater dress

                                        tiered flare sleeve mini keyhole dress

                                           belted flare sleeve wrap blouse

Do sledećeg posta!

ROSEGAL wishlist

Evo novog posta u saradnji sa sajtom Rosegal .
Znate i sami da sam ostvarila više saradnji sa njima i da sam prezadovoljna. Iznenadićete se koliko imaju male cijene a kvalitet za te pare zadovoljavajući.
Ovog puta odlučila sam da tema ove wishliste bude doček Nove godine. U ovom postu ću vam pokazati predloge za najluđu noć. Na ovom sajtu ima odličan izbor, i sigurna sam da zadovoljava različite ukuse.
Sigurna sam i to da te noći želite da zablistate, i samim tim vam je potrebno nešto što ostavlja baš takav utisak. Nadam se da će vam se moji predlozi dopasti i jako bi me obradovalo ako bi barem jedan moj predlog bio nečiji izbor, ili u krajnjem slučaju bio nečija inspiracija.

Evo i predloga...

Here is a new post in collaboration with the site Rosegal .
You know that I achieved more cooperation with them and I'm very happy. You will be surprised how much they have small prices and the quality for these vapors is satisfactory.
This time I decided that the theme of this wishliste would be the New Year's Eve. In this post, I will show you the suggestions for the crazier night. On this site has an excellent choice, and I'm sure it satisfies different tastes.
And I'm sure that that night you want to shine, and therefore you need something that leaves quite an impression. I hope you like my suggestions and I would be very pleased if at least one of my proposal was one's choice, or at the very least someone's been an inspiration.

Here's the suggestion ...

Iskoristite povoljnosti koje imaju na sajtu zbog predstojećih Božićnih praznika, i obradujte sebe ili dragu osobu. Na sajtu imaju mnoge povoljnosti, pa pogledajte :

                                                        Rosegal Christmas 2017 sales

Takođe, sa sajta su bili jako ljubazni i imam za vas kupon za kupovinu na sajtu i to čak 10%-20% OFF , evo i kupona:


Take advantage of the benefits they have on the site due to the upcoming Christmas holidays, and treat yourself or a dear person. They have many benefits on the site, so look at:

                                                         Rosegal Christmas 2017 sales

Also, from the site they were very kind and I have a coupon for you to buy on the site, and even 10% -20% OFF, here are the coupons:


                                                             embroidered lace bell sleeve a line dress

                                                                 long sleeve rivet semi sheer

                                                                    backless sequin mini bodycon dress

                                                                 embroidered thin gauze minidress

                                                                 lace mini evening party dress

                                                               spaghetti strap cold shoulder formal

                                                                  cut out argyle bodycon long dress

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