петак, 15. децембар 2017.

ROSEGAL wishlist

Evo novog posta u saradnji sa sajtom Rosegal .
Znate i sami da sam ostvarila više saradnji sa njima i da sam prezadovoljna. Iznenadićete se koliko imaju male cijene a kvalitet za te pare zadovoljavajući.
Ovog puta odlučila sam da tema ove wishliste bude doček Nove godine. U ovom postu ću vam pokazati predloge za najluđu noć. Na ovom sajtu ima odličan izbor, i sigurna sam da zadovoljava različite ukuse.
Sigurna sam i to da te noći želite da zablistate, i samim tim vam je potrebno nešto što ostavlja baš takav utisak. Nadam se da će vam se moji predlozi dopasti i jako bi me obradovalo ako bi barem jedan moj predlog bio nečiji izbor, ili u krajnjem slučaju bio nečija inspiracija.

Evo i predloga...

Here is a new post in collaboration with the site Rosegal .
You know that I achieved more cooperation with them and I'm very happy. You will be surprised how much they have small prices and the quality for these vapors is satisfactory.
This time I decided that the theme of this wishliste would be the New Year's Eve. In this post, I will show you the suggestions for the crazier night. On this site has an excellent choice, and I'm sure it satisfies different tastes.
And I'm sure that that night you want to shine, and therefore you need something that leaves quite an impression. I hope you like my suggestions and I would be very pleased if at least one of my proposal was one's choice, or at the very least someone's been an inspiration.

Here's the suggestion ...

Iskoristite povoljnosti koje imaju na sajtu zbog predstojećih Božićnih praznika, i obradujte sebe ili dragu osobu. Na sajtu imaju mnoge povoljnosti, pa pogledajte :

                                                        Rosegal Christmas 2017 sales

Takođe, sa sajta su bili jako ljubazni i imam za vas kupon za kupovinu na sajtu i to čak 10%-20% OFF , evo i kupona:


Take advantage of the benefits they have on the site due to the upcoming Christmas holidays, and treat yourself or a dear person. They have many benefits on the site, so look at:

                                                         Rosegal Christmas 2017 sales

Also, from the site they were very kind and I have a coupon for you to buy on the site, and even 10% -20% OFF, here are the coupons:


                                                             embroidered lace bell sleeve a line dress

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                                                                  cut out argyle bodycon long dress

Do sledećeg posta!

2 коментара:

  1. Super predlozi. Dopada mi se ova šljokičasta haljinica. Baš je onako za novogodišnje noći ^_^

  2. Odlični prijedlozi. Iskreno sve haljine mi se sviđaju i preljepe su.



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